Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

We had a discussion in our house about Labor Day and none of us involved new what exactly Labor Day entailed. I searched on the net and I found some details about it (. So while I should be studying and learning about cells and such I am doing a post about Labor Day. (If you'd like to know more about it Wikpedia was quite helpful :)
Here a few facts:
It originated in 1882 as the Central Labor Union (of NYC) for a day off for working citizens
Congress made it an official holiday in 1894 and is celebrated in all 50 states
Traditionally Labor Day is celebrated by American as the symbolic end of summer
Has been celebrated on the first Monday in September (in the U.S.) since the 1800's
Now if some asks you about Labor Day you can tell them with a 'few random facts'. Meanwhile I should get back to learning! I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day!

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