Friday, July 11, 2008

A Determined Worker

I was walking into the house today and when I looked down I saw something very strange looking crawling. As it was an ant was dragging a wasp (I will assume that you reading this know that it was dead). It was funny to see such a small creature set on taking this great find back to his home. This reminded me of Proverbs 6:6, "Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise." Another version I came across online says, "Consider the ant, you lazy bum. Watch its ways, and become wise." This ant was a vivid reminder to me today that despite how large our circumstance are, God is the sustain-er of life and will continue to guide and keep his children in the midst of them. How much I take for granted! I forget to thank God when I can carry the load without difficulty, but when I struggle to stay upright is when I, like Israel, start to grumble and forget how many times God helps and guards His own.

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