Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ride 'em Cowboy

Friday night my fam. obliged me and took me to the Tazwell County Rodeo. (I thought it was a shame we have lived here for 21 years and had never been) It was not a huge one, as you can imagine, but it was a rodeo just the same!!

Dad and I went paroosing to look at the beautiful horses! This horse was quite decked out, ready for the action!

This was as close as we got to these horses. (Since they were down a slight incline) We thought the leopard skinned horse was one of the pretiest ones there!

I tried to take pictures of the other events but due to the darkness and since I was using my phone the pictures were a little blurry. There were some more pictures of horses but since the owners were near by I could not just ask them to move so I could get a good shot of all the beautiful magnificent horses! :)

You can't be in farm country and not take a picture of a John Deere!! It was a tractor in action and I didn't have a action camera. :-)

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