Friday, May 04, 2007

Pilgrims Again

Some of you are probably bored of hearing about Pilgrim's Progress but here is another section about Pilgrim!
I looked then after Christian, to see him go up the hill, where I perceived he fell from running to going, and from going to clambering upon his hands and his knees, because of the steepness of the place. Now about the midway to the top of the hill was a pleasant Arbor, made by the Lord of the hill for the refreshment of weary travellers. Thither, therefore, Christian got, where also he sat down to rest him: then he pulled his roll out of his bosom, and read therein to his comfort; he also now began afresh to take a review of the coat or garment that was given to him as he stood by the cross. Thus pleasing himself awhile, he at last fell into a slumber, and thence into a fast sleep, which detained him in that place until it was almost night; and in his sleep his roll fell out of his hand. Now, as he was sleeping, there came one to him, and awakend him, saying, "Go to the ant, though sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise." And with that, Christian suddenly started up, and sped him on his way, and went apace till he came to the top of the hill.
(After meeting Mistrust and Timorous Christian continues on his way. )
Thus, therefore, he now went on, bewailing his sinful sleep, saying, O the wretched man that I am, that I should sleep in the midst of difficulty! that I should so indulge the flesh as to use that rest for ease to my flesh which the Lord of thehill hath erected only for the relief of the spirits of pilgrims! How many steps have I taken in vain! Thus is happend to Israel; for their sin they were sent back again by the way of the Red Sea; and I am made to tread those steps with sorrow, which I might have trod with delight, had it not been for this sinful sleep. How far might I have been on my way by this time! I made to tread those steps thrice over, which I needed not to have trod but once: yea, now also I am like to benighted, for the day is almost spent. O that I had not slept!
This section of Christian's journey speaks to me because I, for one, like to sleep. However, sometimes I feel guilty for staying in bed wishing I didn't have to get up. Then I think of how much I could have gotten done if only I had gotten up. And how I should be thankful I can get out of bed and serve the Lord at my job and perhaps make someones day a bit brighter!

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