Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Little Time Together

March 10-12 we, my family and I, went to the Greenville Theological Seminary Conference. However, I did not take any pictures while we were there. The weather was gorgeous and warm! However, it was flurrying snow when we got home!
The Soundara's came home with us and stayed until today.
Here are some pictures from Saturday. The Cornett's came over for the afternoon and the kiddos had so much fun playing together!!
Here they are playing a game of Candy Land-Clara is the referee
Will picking out which book he is going to read next
A view of the floor
Gabe in deep thought
I was called to see the magic trick the kids were doing-this is what I found...
Two happy little girls...
and one little boy hiding in the toy chest.
Carrie and Chrisa bought me this map you put the state quarters in when they first came out. It started in 1999-yep that was 10 years ago-and I was just 13! So here I am with the finished map with all of the quarters. Time does tend to go by somewhat quickly!

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