Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun in the Sun!

This past week the fam. (sis's and b.i.l.'s included along with kiddos) headed to the beach. We had a GREAT week and the weather was quite nice. One day it was roasty toasty but the last two days were splendid and the water was lake-like instead of the usual knock-you-down kind of waves.

Enjoyin' the calm waters...
Dad is wearing my pink J.D. hat because I didn't want to wear it in the ocean to be lost (I did about loose it one day) so he put it on. He forgot he had it on. I think it looks real stylish, don''t you? :o)

Dad's brother Mark and family were also at the beach the latter part of the week. One their way back home Friday they stopped by and we headed down to the ocean with 9 kids-that were all under 7 years old!

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